Julio Sergio Santana Sepúlveda

I am a civil engineer from the Universidad Michoacana de San Nicolás de Hidalgo. I got my master degree on computer science at the Instituto Tecnológico y de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey (ITESM) Campus Morelos. In 1981 I joined the Electrical Research Institute of Mexico (Instituto de Investigaciones Eléctricas -IIE-) as a full-time researcher. In July, 1998 I joined the Institute for Investigation on Applied Mathematics and Systems (IIMAS) of the  National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM)  I was  member of the intelligent multimodal systems group of the Computer Science Departament at the IIMAS. Currently I am working for the Mexican Institute for Water Technology (IMTA). In July, 1994 I was admitted in the informatics module of the PhD Programme between IIE and the University of Salford (UK). I have worked in the development of graphic systems, intelligent interfaces, automation of the engineering design process, and in the generation of natural language and graphics coordinated explanations. I have lectured since 1988 in CENIDET (National Centre for the Research and Technological Development) within its master on computer science programme, and since 1999, in the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM) within its postgraduate programme on computer science and engineering.

My specialities are: computer systems, intelligent graphical systems, and natural language and graphics coordination. Due to my current assignments at IMTA, I have also developed experence in Information Systems and Data Bases.

I have received the following awards:

  1. Diploma as the best civil engineering student from the University of Michoacan (Universidad Michoacana), February 27, 1979.
  2. Special Mention (Mencion Honorifica) for my bachelor thesis, from the University of Michoacan, July 3, 1981.
  3. First award to master thesis in the First National Contest on Mechanical Design and Machinery Dynamics, sponsored by the National Council for Science and Technology (CONACYT), the Federal Bureau of Electricity (CFE), and the Electrical Research Institute (IIE).
  4. "Galardón Línea Caliente 2004" in Science and Technology granted by the Morelos State Radio Station Program "Línea Caliente", December 2004.

I finished my PhD in July, 1999, with a thesis about the generation of coordinated natural language and graphics explanations in design environments.

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My doctoral thesis 
My informal Web page 
The Mexican Institute for Water Technology 
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Intelligent graphical system laboratory

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